Unveiled 2 months ago, The Lancia Pu+Ra HPE is the new concept that outlines the future Lancia range, which aims to reinvent Italian style and elegance in a sustainable and innovative perspective.
Against all expectations, this concept is not static (as was the Tonale, for example), but on the move. Luca Napolitano, Lancia's brand manager, took the Pu+Ra HPE for a test drive on the roads of Piedmont, Italy. He shares his impressions of the design, comfort and performance of this model, which represents Lancia's future.
In this video, he also talks about the brand's plans for the coming years, including the launch of three new electrified 100 % models by 2028.
In a few months' time, Lancia will unveil its first model, the new Ypsilon. Some think it will be a city car, others a compact suv.
We're leaning more towards the last option, since, according to our information, the new Lancia Ypsilon will share the DS3 platform, Opel Mokka, Jeep Avenger, Alfa Romeo BSUV...
For the "radical" side of things, the Ypsilon will have to be powered by something other than 156 hp... the steering will also have to be much more consistent. Will the production model live up to the manifesto? It had better, given its ambitions!
Of course, and also a ypsilon 1.2 puretoc 😡😡😡😡
Seriously, I'm a bit worried about these future models.
In short, Lancia is dead ☠️ for good. Might as well capitalize on the old models.
Da quando se ne è cominciato a parlare si sa che la nuova (si fa per dire) Y sarà su base Peugeot 208/2008: non ce n'è un'altra disponibile e poi decidono i francesi in Stellantis. Nulla più dell'ennesimo clone che rilancerà il marchio solo nella fantasia degli sprovveduti.
No, non sono i francesi a decidere per Stellantis ma è Elkann che crede troppo nella tecnologia francese e quando vedi la qualità del loro motore e della loro tecnologia puoi già dire che per Lancia è morta. Abarth sarà la prossima.