Renault's small city car, the Twingo E-Tech, could well be become a major competitor for the future electric Fiat 500. At a time when sales of the electric 500 are declining, even though it was the only model in its segment, this new Twingo looks set to be a direct rival, especially with its pricing strategy and range, which will present Fiat with quite a challenge.
An electric 500 in trouble
Since its launch, the electric Fiat 500 has not been as successful as expected. In fact, between 2023 and 2024, production was reduced by 70 % due to lower-than-expected sales. This decline is largely attributable to a price deemed too high for a model that also lacks spectacular autonomy. The 95 hp version offers a range of just 190 km, while the 113 hp version climbs to 321 km. Prices start at €30,400 for the 95 hp model and €33,900 for the 113 hp version. Without purchase subsidies, the electric 500 is not perceived as an affordable option for many consumers.
Renault strikes back with Twingo E-Tech
In response to this situation, Renault is preparing the release of the Twingo E-Tech, due to arrive in 2026. This new version of the Twingo, measuring around 3.75 m, should offer a price range well below that of the electric Fiat 500, under €20,000 for the basic version. In terms of range, the Twingo E-Tech could rival the Fiat 500, boasting between 250 and 300 km thanks to its AmpR Small platform and CATL's LFP battery. Under the hood, an 82hp electric motor should enable the Twingo to achieve competitive performance in this market segment. The target fuel consumption is 10 kWh/100 km, while Fiat's is around 16 kWh/100 km.
The pressure is now on Fiat
Faced with this new threat, Fiat finds itself in a tricky position. Indeed, the electric 500 will have to face increasing competition, not only in terms of price but also in terms of range. The Italian brand is planning an evolution of its model for the end of 2025, in which Stellantis invested 100 million euroswith the aim of offering greater autonomy at a lower price. However, to date, no precise information has been given concerning the price of this new version, nor its improved autonomy. All we know is that it will use a new battery from CATL.
To remain competitive, the future electric Fiat 500, which measures 3.63 m, will probably have to lower its price by almost €5,000 to €10,000, while increasing the range of its model.. An extra 50 to 100 km might be needed to make it more attractive than the Renault Twingo E-Tech.
While Fiat was alone in its small electric city car market, Renault will arrive in 2026 with the Twingo E-Tech, and Volkwagen in 2027 with the ID.1. So there's no question of resting on our laurels, because the competition will be fierce.
Ja, in Zukunft wird sich alles über den Preis behaupten. Denn die Menschen werde immer weniger zum Leben haben. Die paar Menschen die es sich leisten können werden es nicht verhindern können dass der Automarkt gravierend schrumpft. Die Preise sind im Moment von gut und böse. Die Qualität miserabel. Die E-Autos in Zukunft müssen viel billiger werden. Auch die Preise zum Laden müssen runter und genau beziffert sein, wie an der Tankstelle. Und vieles mehr. Aber das ist nur meine Meinung.
Ich fahre seit dem Somner 2024 einen Fiat 500e und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Voll geladen mit einer Reichweite von 295 km. Im Winter etwa 260 km.