Alfa Romeo is going through a difficult 2024. After a third quarter at half-mastWith overall sales down 13 % in its main markets - Italy, USA, France, Germany and Spain - the Italian brand is struggling to revive its volumes. But the latest model could reverse the trend: the Junior. This small SUV saves volumes, particularly in Italy and France, where it generates almost 50 % of sales. However, the question remains Is it Junior that is cannibalizing Tonale sales, or has Tonale become obsolete in certain markets?
Partial recovery thanks to Junior
According to our figures, compared to the year 2023, Alfa Romeo sales down 10.52 % from January to November 2024 in the five major countries where the brand is most present. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The Junior, launched this year, has led to some recovery, particularly in Italy, where it has boosted local sales (see our article Alfa Romeo Junior: flop or success in Italy).
Indeed, without Junior, Alfa Romeo would have seen its figures plummet even further. In Italy, its star market, the brand posted a year-on-year decline of 13.81 % in November 2024, but with Junior, which accounts for almost half of salesthe decline would have been more pronounced. In France, Junior is also driving sales, with growth of 7.5 % compared with 2023.
Contrasting figures by market
Italy, home of Alfa Romeo, is lagging behind, with registrations down 13 % in November 2024, despite the Junior's success. In the United States, the situation is similar, with a drop of 14.09 1TP3Q. Perhaps the Tonale price cuts in Uncle Sam's country can also reverse the trend. These disappointing results highlight Alfa Romeo's dependence on its existing models, particularly the Tonale, which until now seemed to be the key element in the brand's relaunch.
On the contrary, France and Germany show more positive performances. In France, sales rose by 7 % thanks to the popularity of the Junior, while in Germany, results remained stable. In Spain, the brand recorded a slight drop of 5.2 %, but here again, the Junior is helping to maintain a certain presence in this market.
The Tonale, a model on its last legs?
The Tonale was presented as the brand's flagship model for relaunch in 2022. However, November 2024 figures reveal that it's no longer enough to keep Alfa Romeo sales afloat. In Italy, the Tonale has lost ground, while the Junior has become the main attraction. The Tonale, whose sales had begun to take off, now seems to be in trouble.
The question of Whether Junior is cannibalizing Tonale sales remains to be seen. With nearly 50 % of sales in Italy and France, it's clear that the Junior is capturing a large share of consumer attention. And if the Tonale can't keep up, it could mean that the market has already moved on. All the more so since Alfa Romeo's overall sales show that the brand is no longer growing in terms of volume, even with the rise of Junior.
More will be needed to boost sales in 2025
While Alfa Romeo manages to limit the damage caused by Junior, it is clear that the brand is unable to regain the momentum needed to grow in terms of volume. Declining sales of the Tonale and the rise of the Junior raise questions about the future of existing models. A new Stelvio to be presented in 2025However, by the time it is actually launched on the market, it will have an impact on registration figures in 2026.
In short, 2024 shows Alfa Romeo in transition. For 2025, Alfa Romeo will have to double its communication efforts on the Junior and Tonale mhevs to capture buyers' attention.
The Tonale disappointed from the outset, with tests featuring a 130 hp Speziale edition, and the damage was done. Quality of plastics, finish far inferior to its predecessors, problems reported by alfsites, etc.
Alfa Romeo is also about engines. But the Junior and Tonale don't have any, except for a 280hp electric model for the Junior that will only sell small numbers of cars because of its high price, and a PHEV model for the Tonale that won't convince, and inferior engines that aren't very interesting.
I'm not even talking about Junior's shameful PureTech. Alfa Romeos without engines, that's a problem.
We have to act fast, because I'm not sure any 20-30 year old still knows the Alfa Romeo brand... but the products on offer are out of date, so it's not looking good...
Unglaublich, eine einstige Kultmarke, die für Spider, Coupes und Sportlimousinen bekannt war, sucht ihr Heil in langweiligen SUVs, dazu noch mit Hybrid- und E-Antrieb, so wird Alfa schon bald Geschichte sein, genauso wie Maserati oder der lächerlichen Idee, Lancia als E-Mobilmarke wiederzubeleben, da nützt auch der Rücktritt von Herrn Tavaris nichts, wenn man Traditionsmarken vorsätzlich ins Abseits befördert, einfach nur traurig...
Quando, e se, monteranno il motore 1.6 diesel che aveva la Giulietta, forse potrei anche rivedere il mio giudizio sulla Junior (pure per motivi di larghezza per parcheggiarla nel mio garage - max 1,80, come oggi la mia Peugeot 308 1.2 benzina 130 cv).
D. Ippolito
The problem with Alfa and i can only speak for UK is they have , over the years, let their customer base, which wasnt particuarly premium, disappear. They tried a comeback with Gulia and Stelvio at premium prices ,had some sales but models now old. Tonale therefore became a complete failure in the uk due to price point and awful lack of marketing. The Junior might sell as a hybrid but the 3cyl psa engine will not win friends, electric sales will be small. The new electric Guilia and Stelvio will flop unless they have petrol versions. You also cannot compete with the german brands with non premium showrooms.
As a fan of the 159 and Brera, I find that there's a lot of clumsiness in the designs of the whole range: the Tonale has something wrong with the wheel diameters and the overhangs, the Stelvio is unnecessarily big and heavy, the Giulia is superb, it should have been made as a hunting wagon. And the common Stellantis engines won't improve Alfa's reliability.
Who can honestly guess without seeing the grille that the tonal is an Alfa-Romeo?
It's an ugly, line-heavy cross with a graceless American!
It's the end of the road for Alfa-Romeo, that's how it is, the automotive world is merciless,
A very large proportion of those "sold
in France are on the fleets of short-term rental companies, Avis, Europcar, ... to make immat...., and will be taken over by dealers who will then sell them on.
Come si può pensare che un modello(Tonale) per giunta non rappresentativo delle caratteristiche del marchio, possa da solo mantenere in piedi un brand, con alle spalle la quasi totale assenza di una gamma decente e strutturata. Possiedo Tonale, buona vettura, ma Alfa Romeo è altro, Junior vende alla massa, ma è un vero insulto per il brand, speravo di non vedere mai una roba simile in Alfa Romeo, ma ormai...
the Tonale is not selling well, so we're raising the average price by €800! At this price level, people buy BMW AUDI OR MERCEDES!
Is the Tonale not selling well? Alfa is going to raise the price by €800 - they've got it all figured out! At this price level, customers end up buying BMWs, MERCEDES or AUDIs.
The people that will buy an Alfa are not interested in the brands you mention.
I don't think the Tonale is out of breath, but the lack of motorization compared to the competition and especially the lack of advertising don't help.
And frankly, here I have to drive 25 km to Lyon to go to a dealership where I won't be well received, and there's no space in the customer parking lot either. All because there are no more small dealerships or agents.
The last time I was there I asked them to update the multimedia and gps of my giulietta but they don't know how 😡, how do you expect non purist customers to come back to them.
This brand is like one of my grandmothers, always complaining about health so we all hundred how she dies steadily for 30 years already.
Jokes aside, this is a disaster as no one can relaunch ab brand when just one model.
At least 3 or 4 and all in the same time to start the already weak market. Even then no one will buy Alfa, people don't care about cars these days.
The worst thing about it is that card today are made for people who do not like them.
Well, that's because AR should be concentrating on what they do best. Sporty, sexy cars. Yes, have the Junior in the range, but going to wholesale SUV crap is pointless. No Alfa Romeo fan wants those...we want another Giulia and GTV...
All these comments are edifying, and one can only agree with them with regret. When I see the new models (Tonale, Junior, not to mention the future electric Stelvio and Giulia...) for the first time in 45 years of Alfa life (14 on the odometer), it leaves me rather indifferent. Alfa Romeo is no longer a brand in its own right, it's a marketing segment where platforms and powertrains are assembled for the Group's shelves, with the occasional four-leaf clover or 'Biscione' that no longer mean anything to the younger generation. There's plenty to say about the brand's catastrophic management over the past 30 years, in which IRI first, Fiat then FCA and now Stellantis have worked with equal consistency to put its head under water. The coup de grâce is undoubtedly the prospect of a forced electrification for 100% of the range. I never thought I'd end my motoring career behind the wheel of anything but an Alfa, but now I doubt it, and sadly, I don't care.
Personally, I don't want to drive an SUV. It's totally abnormal that the range of a brand like Alfa Romeo is made up of nothing but SUVs. If the next Giulia becomes a crossover (what a profoundly stupid decision), where do I turn?
I actually agree with you. Alfa driver for the last 26 years. Now, the brand has lost its dynamic style and engines.
I'm afraid I don't care what happens to Alfa. All the crazy people who run it deserve its failure. I still own an spider and enjoy it.
I'll look at it again when the spirit returns. If not, Ciao.
Giulia and Stelvio are unfortunately the last true Alfa: longitudinal engine, rear-wheel drive, a sufficient screen that is not hypertrophied with a dedicated platform. Tonale, junior, it doesn't make me dream... I'll keep my Stelvio 280 as long as I can, and then we'll see...
If you want sales, make vehicles the people want with engines they want, really not very difficult
I have a Tonale 4×4 Plug-in Hybrid. 30000 km. Great car. Maybe even the last one designed before Stellantis and made in Italy. Hard to understand the criticism of this car.
Fully agree! Even with respect to the several Mercedes and Lexus cars that I have had through the years.
Wrong people are on decision making positions. It is a worldwide problem not only automotive.
Owned a Gulia and it was the 280bhp engine that attracted me. The car had to go with the ex. But when I started to look at Tonale I wss disappointed to be told the engine was unavailable. Like someone else said Alpha is a drivers car. They need to put the petrol power in all models
This brand has always had trouble establishing itself.
The best thing that can happen to it is to go for ultra-luxury, a la Bugatti.
For the general public, it's over.
Signed a former Guilietta 170hp owner.
An absolutely brilliant "coup de coeur" car that was already unloved in its day.