Alfa Romeo: 2024 sales down, CEO wants to do better in 2025

Santo Ficili - CEO Alfa Romeo

The year 2024 will have ended on a low note for Alfa Romeo. With approx. 62,000 units sold, in line with our estimates published a month agothe Italian brand is down on 2023 and is still far from its initial target of 80,000 to 90,000 units. A worrying situation, but not unexpected, since this trend had been anticipated.

Alfa Romeo sales from 2010 to 2024. Source Italpassion 😉

Sales down in most key markets

Although Alfa Romeo is maintaining its market presence, sales figures show a downward trend in most countries where the brand is present.

United Kingdom15461666+7%
Source Italpassion

While France, the UK and Austria posted growth, most markets were down, notably Turkey, Japan and Switzerland, where sales plummeted from 40 % or more.

Why is Alfa Romeo in trouble?

The slowdown in Alfa Romeo sales in 2024 comes as no surprise. There are several reasons for this:

  • A limited catalog The Giulia and Stelvio, the brand's flagship models, are reaching the end of their life cycle and are struggling to attract new customers.
  • An insufficient Tonale The compact SUV, to be launched in 2022, was intended to drive sales, but is not enough on its own to compensate for the decline in other models.
  • A late arrival for Junior The model, which is important for the European market, has not yet had a full year of operation, and so has not been able to make a sufficient impact on the 2024 figures.

2025: towards a sales recovery?

Despite a difficult year, Alfa Romeo's CEO remains optimistic, aiming for a better performance in 2025. To achieve this, several levers are envisaged:

  • Full-year Junior With the arrival of Junior Q4 and more widespread marketing, Alfa Romeo will finally be able to benefit from the model's greater impact on sales.
  • A Tonale update Planned for mid-2025This development could revive interest in the compact SUV and boost sales.
  • New Stelvio on the way Presented in 2025however, we'll have to wait and see 2026 for the first deliveries.

As usual, Italpassion follows Alfa Romeo registrations month by month in its main markets to analyze sales trends and the impact of forthcoming new products.


If 2024 was a difficult year for the Biscione brand, 2025 promises to be a pivotal year. Will Alfa Romeo be able to turn things around and return to growth? To be continued...


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  1. Die Probleme bezügl. der Verkaufszahlen sind auch hausgemacht. Die Guilia wurde im Grundpreis Ende 2024 nochmal um EUR 2.000,- herauf gesetzt. Generell wurde dieses Modell kontinuierlich immer teurer, selbst wenn sich hier und da auch die Ausstattung verbessert hat. Damit gewinnst du aber keine neuen Kunden, die Leute schauen schon auf den Preis. Bei diesem Auto bist du sofort bei EUR 60.000,- plus, das ist schon irre.

  2. Die Service Partner in Österreich sind eine Katastrophe! Mal vl andere Partner suchen die in der Lage sind den Kunden keine kaputten Autos nach jedem Werkstatt Besuch zurück geben.

  3. No replacement for the Mito, no replacement for the Giulietta, no presence in the E segment for a brand that claims to be premium, no hibrydation on the Giulia and Stelvio, no Breaks, coupes, cabrios in the range, anemic petrol engines, no more diesels. And, above all, to bet everything on electric power. Look no further than Alfa Romeo's ridiculous sales figures, while BMW, its so-called competitor, present in every segment and with every engine on the market, sells 1.5 million cars a year and is constantly growing year after year.

  4. Die Entwicklung der Verkaufszahlen ist vielleicht auch eine Reaktion auf die arrogante Art, wie Alfa Romeo mit Kunden und deren Reklamationen umgeht.
    Seit 2023 (von Beginn an) funktioniert z.B. der Geschwindigkeitsassistent nicht, beim Öffnen der Heckklappe bekommt man einen Wasserfall und andere Themen...
    Wenn ich dann feststellen muss, dass diese Themen bei jedem Stelvio auftreten und vielleicht nur das KBA hier Bewegung reinbringen kann, ist das wirklich nicht zeitgemäß. Das können BMW Mercedes und Co besser, zumal die Preise von Alfa Romeo der Qualität weit überlegen sind.

  5. Den tonale finde ich persönlich deutlich schöner wie den verkappten Junior alias Peugeot.
    Ich finde auch das eine Fehlentscheidung ist nicht mehr im kompakt Segment zu bauen Giulietta. Dafür wird weiter in die SUV entwickelt nur weil das der Markt so will.
    Ich bin nach meinem 159er bzw. 17 Jahre Alfa Romeo zu Kia gewechselt zu dem ProCeed GT. Ich brauche einen schnittigen Kombi oder Sportswagon nicht so hochgebockte SUV wo man kaum ein Parkplatz bekommt

  6. Alfa Romeo believes that a full year of sales of the Junior, and a restyling of the Tonale, will boost sales?
    I despair of this brand, because it lacks the essential: convincing combustion engines for both Junior and Tonale.
    The Giulia and Stelvio have by far the best chassis in their categories, and the Giorgio platform is a jewel, but the malus takes its toll on sales. The design of the Giulia and Stelvio has not aged a day, proving that it was a stroke of genius. These two models are now 8 or 9 years old, but no other manufacturer has done so well in terms of roadholding for sedans and SUVs.

  7. The brand lost its way a long time ago, the Italian brand management was always very bad and wrong, now that it is French it is also wrong. I think the mistake they make is saying "the public wants this or that" in board meetings in which what the public wants are mere vague and uncertain data put into a power point that exists only to look good at the meeting and so that the VP can say "Hey, look how nice the power point turned out."

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