Ferrari: employee bonuses have doubled in just a few years - why they could rise even further

Ferrari never ceases to amaze, both in its performance on the track and in the way it rewards its employees. By 2025, Ferrari employees' bonuses will reach a record €14,000, double what they were just a few years ago. This spectacular leap is the result not only of the company's good financial results, but also of a well-thought-out strategy and a culture of performance and commitment. But why has this premium doubled, and could it rise further in the years to come?

Bonuses at Ferrari, such as the "Premio di Competitività", are calculated according to several criteria, including annual vehicle shipments, EBITDA-adjusted financial results, as well as a product quality index and absenteeism rates. For 2024, including figures were again very goodemployee bonuses could reach up to €14,400, a reward that directly reflects Ferrari's solid earnings: 1.52 billion euros.

YearBonusFerrari benefits
202414 400 €1.52 billion
202313 500 €1.25 billion
202213 500 €939 million
202112 000 €€833 million
20207 500 €609 million
20195 500 €699 million
20185 900 €787 million
20175 500 €€537 million

This figure marks a sharp increase on 2023, when profits were €1.25 billion and employee bonuses amounted to €13,500. These figures not only reflect Ferrari's commercial success, but also the impact of employees on achieving these exceptional results. The "Premio di Competitività" is a productivity bonus that directly rewards the work of all employees, excluding general management, and is based on objective criteria linked to performance.

The agreement signed with the unions in 2019 played a key role in the increase in bonuses. Ferrari has agreed to increase the "Premio di Competitività" for the coming years, provided that production, financial and quality targets are met. The agreement also introduced more favorable conditions for employees in terms of training, parenthood and sustainability, while emphasizing employee involvement in Ferrari's culture and values.


One of the most significant aspects of this agreement is the fact that it is based on an annual re-evaluation of the bonus amount, according to the results achieved, thus enabling employees to benefit from higher bonuses when the company performs particularly well. So a bonus of at least €14,000 in 2025 would come as no surprise, on the contrary, it could be repeated and if Ferrari maintains its growth trajectory. Indeed, the brand has already announced its intention to increase sales by 5 % and margins by 7 % by 2025.

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  1. Ferrari is an Italian miracle, and every year it does even better than the year before.
    On the other hand, the new Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Fiat, Abarth, and Lancia don't work, and we know why: Stellantis!

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